
We never know when our wish will be granted. But when it happens it takes you unawares and then you start probing your memory trying to recollect what else you wished for.
After I finished school and stood at the threshold of a more responsible phase of life, I was quite uncertain as to what I should do. All along I have wanted to be something else but it was better to follow the road usually taken by most people than take the one less trodden...or so I thought remembering the poem 'The road not taken' by Robert Frost.
So, like most of my friends, I also decided to take the entrance test for studying medicine. However, with my mind wavering this way and that, on the day of the test, I woke up at 3 am in the morning and found that there were so many things I still did not know. But, I decided that I had to clear this test. And who else to turn to at a crucial moment like that? I prayed to God and made a bargain with him. must be thinking I was out of my mind. I prayed that He should bless me for just this occasion and that I would do the rest of the thing i.e., be fully prepared for any exam in the future.
God was so kind. He seemed to have heard my prayers. I got through and started my journey in Medicine. I cleared many more exams after that and today I am looking back to that promise or bargain I made with the Almighty. Have I kept my part of the bargain or not? I still don't know. There are so many callings to a profession but the one purpose of sticking to my work seems to be to make ends meet. Shouldn't I be doing something more than this? Show me the light once again, Lord. My promise of 'I will take care of the rest' seems to be of no use.
Sunsprite which is a yellow rose introduced by Germany signifies true friendship and happiness at the home front. If one has these two i.e., true friendship and domestic bliss, should one ask for anything more?
But, there is still a nagging doubt in my mind that I still have not kept my side of the bargain.
Everyday I used to wish that I could stay at home for one whole day without having to go anywhere but never got the chance. There was always something or the other to do. But, the current lockdown has given me some unexpected free time again hitting me on the face that another wish had come true. Then, suddenly I am scared thinking of what else I had wished for unwittingly.
Never again would I make any random wishes or promises for there's someone who is watching but benevolent.
Sunsprite..the bottom-line of all endeavours! Our part is just to spot it and be thankful!


  1. As far i know you have kept your part of the bargain well...I better start making some random wishes..who knows when it might be fulfilled😃😃😃


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