The Flying Bed-Episode 4: The Tigroid Cloud

  The Flying Bed-Episode 4: The Tigroid Cloud


We are about to retire for the night. Much as I try to ignore it, I can’t help but notice the boys’ ears perking up for the ritual bedtime story which is nowadays nothing other than the nightly adventure of the flying bed.

The flying bed is a little crowded these days with the addition of Snowman and Panther, Optimus and Maximus’ dogs on board. Everyone is excited and can’t wait for the flight to take off.

There is rumour of a strange turbulence in the hills of Ngariyan, a range of hills on the eastern boundary of the state. Every evening, a storm starts in the jungles of these hills and wreaks havoc to the inhabitants. The strange thing about this natural menace is that it cannot be detected on any weather forecasting stations. Everything is calm without a hint of any disturbance and suddenly at night, the strange dust cloud gathers momentum and destroys everything in its way.  

Eyewitness account reveals that the cloud of dust has a strange appearance. The dust instead of being black or gray in colour is of a  colour which has never been  seen before.

The people have become so scared that the moment the sun sets, they stay indoors and fortify their homes in whatever way they can and somehow manage to  survive the night. Our mission is to alleviate man’s worries in whatever little way that we can and so we decide to look in.

The roof of our bedroom opens silently and we set out on our flying bed. Everyone is thinking deeply on how to tackle this strange storm. When we are about to enter the hill range, we switch on the storm vault and our bed is impenetrable now. Suddenly we hear the storm approaching with such velocity that it seems to be right next to us. Ours is an intrepid crew, totally devoid of fear. We can clearly see the dust cloud on our monitors. We freeze the visuals for a moment and analyze. Both Columbus and Maximus exclaim almost unanimously that  the cloud looks like tiger skin, i.e., a mixture of black and yellow. Indeed, it is! So, we are dealing with a ‘tigroid cloud’. A different entity of storm!

On an impulse I try to pick up the sound with amplified microphones. Over and above the sound of destruction like the falling of trees, breaking of man made structures, etc., there is also the very persistent buzzing sound which is so out of place in the circumstances that it is difficult to associate it with anything despite the familiarity. The sound is getting so loud as the storm keeps hovering around us that suddenly it seems  like  a thousand angry bees!

Yes! Indeed, our thoughts are all moving towards a completely different dimension now. Snowman and Panther are getting agitated. Genie is petulant because we are not asking him to use his magical powers. Only Captain Columbus, Maximus and Optimus are looking at each other and coming to the same conclusion, piecing up all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

We examine the visuals once again, this time after maximum magnification. We filter the sound so only the buzzing remains. And now, finally, we have unmasked our adversary. A giant swarm of very angry bees! Rather, an army of bees. A component of the biosphere whose existence is getting threatened by man’s invasion into their habitat due to the endless expansion of the city limits.

This immediate threat can be easily overcome but what about a long term solution to the problem? Our first and foremost mission is to restore safety to the place. So, after selecting the most optimum type and quantity, we turn on the jets in full throttle and spray insecticides over this ‘tigroid cloud’ and destabilize and stun the angry bees completely. The storm is ‘tamed’ now!

The inhabitants are informed about the situation and they are very grateful to us and want to do something in return. Now is our opportunity. So, we make them promise not to destroy the forests any further and to preserve the natural habitats so that every creation of God can  have a peaceful co-existence as each one is important in the food chain and the biosphere. To this, they agree readily and we happily turn back home as it is almost dawn.

Another mission accomplished. The boys are happy. Genie, Snowman and Panther feel and act like war heroes.  With a contented smile we all fall into deep slumber.

Sweet dreams, my boys! Sleep tight.

Memchoubi Phanjoubam.





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